Monday, January 3, 2011

Two Thousand and Eleven

Happy New Years Bloggers! As you can see I have changed my blog a little bit since I decided the Christmas theme had to go. I know I love Christmas as much as the next person but with school starting and so much happening at once I am definitely winding out of the holiday spirit. It was a great holiday though that I was able to spend with all my friends and family and for that I am thankful! 

Katies 1st Christmas:)

So everyone knows that as exciting as the new year is it brings about one thing I think everybody secretly dreads.....New Years Resolutions! Yes, thats right I said it. Everyone gets so excited to come up with new resolutions that are aimed to make your like 200x better than it was last year. In reality though it works for the first 2 months and then we all kind of fall back into routine. 

Well fellow bloggers my theory is to be one of the few who actually STICK WITH their resolutions. So my first step to achieving that goal is posting them on here I figure if I am forced to see them and have people comment on them, that should help keep me on track! So here it goes...

1. To be nice (this needs a little explanation I know, I just generally want to be a nicer person, whether its holding the door open, not having road rage, not commenting on people ugly clothing or gossiping when I know its mean, to smile more and complement more, being nicer is my goal!)

2. To be organized! (I know I will be much more productive and less stressed if I keep my room and things organized so this week I am cleaning floor to ceiling, I vow to no longer be a pack rat and buy useless things I have no room for and I am going to spend my money on some kind of organizational system so I do not easily fall back into my bad habits) **wish me luck!

3. To $$SAVE$$! (I have big travel dreams, rather just big dreams in general and the one thing I am lacking are the funds to support such dreams so I will not eat out if I have groceries at home, I will not spend unless I need something, and I will not throw my money away on useless things that I will throw out next january when I vow to be organized again) :)

Id love to hear about what you guys are trying to do with the start of the new year so leave me a comment and let me know! Happy New Year everyone and I hope this year is full of adventure, love, friendship, and laughter! xoxo

*NYE 2011

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